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MCEEA Mission

The mission of MCEEA is to promote and maximize career potential and the advancement of internship, cooperative education, and employment within the state of Michigan through collaborative relationships among employers, colleges and universities.


- Promote the advancement of internships, cooperative education, and employment within the State of Michigan.
- Partner with Michigan business and industry, education, labor, state government, and professional organizations.
- Educate employers, educators, students, parents, and government officials of the academic, career development, and economic benefits of internships and cooperative education leading to employment.
- Advocate the benefits of internships and cooperative education for employers, educational institutions, students, and state government.
- Advocate the benefits of career resources to employers, educational institutions, and students.
- To promote camaraderie among career educators and employers.
- Facilitate the exchange of information on internships, cooperative education and career service activities in Michigan.


- MCEEA shall be a nonpartisan, nonsectarian, nonpolitical, and non-profit organization.

- MCEEA is organized within the regulations of Section 501(C) (3) 
of the Internal Revenue Code and operates within the meaning of this Code.

- No member shall directly benefit financially from this organization. Any monies which accrue to the organization shall be used for educational, programming, and promotional purposes only.

- The Alliance is committed to the principle of equal opportunity for all individuals in the application to, participation in, and administration of this Alliance.

- Should the organization cease to exist, all assets shall be 
divided equally among the institutions represented in the current membership

© Michigan Career Educator & Employer Alliance

MCEEA Tax ID: 30-0699397

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